Faulkner's bicycle
by Heather MacDonald
Directed by Edward Sobel
In collaboration with the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs
@ Chicago Cultural Center Studio Theatre (Jan 2001)
@ Theatre on the Lake Summer Festival (July 2001)
2nd Remount:
@ William Faulkner Festival, University of Mississippi (Aug 2001)
* Selected as one of the Best Productions of 2001 by both the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times
Blossoming wallflowers, the terrors of senility, the isolation of intellect and fear of failure are themes of this play about a journalist who, dispirited at the lack of passion in her life, returns home to Oxford, Mississippi, where her sister and ailing mother have an irritating neighbor – Bill Faulkner
While mother plays Chopin, plans a lavish garden, and dresses for a final tea party with the illustrious writer she has known since childhood, he rides his bicycle drunkenly about town at night and throws apples at strangers
He doesn’t write anymore, but he does bestow life infusing gifts in this lyrical play by the author of Dream of a Common Language